Sammy´s Corner

Monday, December 01, 2008


I. Complete with the right word. (for-off-with-up-down-out-)

1. I offered to help you ______ your work.

2. She always hits my head_____.

3. A lot of people turned ____ at the stadium.

4. Why are you always apologising ____ things which are not important.

5. My sister broke ____ with her boyfriend yesterday.

6. I have nowhere to go, can you put me ___ for the night?

7. That's an excellent opportunity, don't turn it ______.

8. Teachers have to put ____ _____ a lot of strange situations.

9. When she went to Japan, she picked ___ a lot of Japanese.

II. Put these sentences into indirect speech (reported speech)

1. "I'm tired of your bad temper." she said.

2. "Did you finish your homework?" she asked me.

3. "And we will visit France and Italy," she said.

4. "We are going to have a great time here," he promised.

5. "How old are you?", he asked Susan.

III. Complete with either I wish or If only.

1. ________ there was something to do here.

2. ________ I didn't have to work so much.

3. ________ I hadn't failed the exam.

4. ________ it wasn't so hot.

5. ________ I was rich


I. 1.with 3.up 4.for 5.up 6.up 7.down 8.up with 9.up

II. 1. She said she was tired of his/her bad temper. 2. She asked if I had finished my HW.

3. She said they would visit France and Italy. 4. He promised we were going to have a great

time there. 5. He asked Susan how old she was.

III. 1. If only. 2. I wish. 3. If only. 4. If only . 5. I wish. GO FOR IT TOMORROW!!!!!

Sam the Ham


Blogger leobeatnik said...

Hello my friend!...aquí neofitando en ésto de los blogs. Visíteme..espero llegar a ser tan prolífico como voce!!..y asesóreme please..un abrazo!!

3:24 PM  

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