Adrian Mole Vocabulary & Quiz for TMS 9th graders only!
Vocabulary for Crossword in alphabetical order:
allowance / apron / corduroy / crate / dairy / epiphany / latchkey / lorry / malingerer / midget / mongrel / row / rugger /shed /spots / sulking / tap / treacle / wages / yukky /
Quiz . 1. Which of these is not one of Adrian's New Year's resolutions? a) stop squeezing spots
b)be kind to the dog
c) hang trousers up
d)to get a paper round
2. On New Year's Eve, what does the dog get drunk on?
a) cherry brandy
c)raspberry brandy
3. What's the name of Adrian's spoilt friend?
a) Nigel
4. On Sunday 11th, Adrian calls himself an intellectual because he understood every word spoken by which man?
a) Malcom Muggeridge
b) John Sargent
c) John Travolta
d)William Shakespeare
5. What's the title of the first poem Adrian writes?
6. Which of these books Adrian does not borrow from the library?
a)Origin of Species
b)Pride and Prejudice
c)Care of the Skin
d)Crime and Punishment
7. What's the name of the old person that Adrian looks after ?
a)Thomas Trotter
b)Ernie Edwards
c)Bert Baxter
d)Stuart Sanderson
8. This old man has a dog, What is the dog's name?
9. What is the name of the girl of Adrian's dreams?
10. What is going on between Adrian's mom and Mr Lucas?
Good Luck! See you tomorrow!
Sam the Ham 54 3/4
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