Sammy´s Corner

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

7th graders Exercises for Unit Test

Choose the correct answers:

British teenagers __________ to stay at school until they are eighteen. b.tend c.common

I've played soccer __________ I was eight.

a.when b.since c.just

It's OK, the movie has _______ started.

a. just b.still c.yet

Peter ________ runs to school in the mornings-it's only two kilometres from our home.

a.haven't b.usually c. didn't

I can't believe your teacher didn't _____ off for coming late to class.

a.say you b.tell c.tell you

My boyfriend ______ bought me a present for my birthday.

a.didn't yet still hasn't c.have never

How long _______ you wait for me last night?

a.did b.have

Is it true that dogs are very _______ to their owners?

a.loyal b. friend c.stick

While I was shopping at that store, somebody ______ my new car.

a.stole b.was stealing c. had stolen

Do you think we ______ to tell him we are leaving?

a.should b.ought c.better

I would really like to _____ for that job in Brunei.

a.trainee b.employee c.apply

Remember that: we use yet at the end of questions and negative sentences, to show that the speaker is expecting something to happen.

we use just in positive sentences, to say something happened a short time ago.

we use already in the middle of a sentence to say something happened sooner than expected.

we use still in negative sentences before haven't/hasn't to show a feeling of surprise.

Examples: Has it stopped snowing yet?

I'm not hungry because I've just had lunch.

I can go now. I've already done my homework.

I wrote to her last week. She still hasn't


we use the past simple to talk about events in the past which are separate from now (the moment of speaking)

we use the present perfect simple to connect the past and now (the moment of speaking)

Examples: That boy lost his eyesight at the age of 1.

My son has worked at this store since May.

Good luck to you all!!

Sammy's Corner at your service!


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