Sammy´s Corner

Monday, June 30, 2008

9th graders' last minute LifeSaver!!

I. Do and Make in sentences.

1. A lot of trees have been cut down to ______ room for the new hotel.

2. The developers are going to _______ a mess of the town.

3. They are only interested in _______ money.

4. Let's all______ our best to keep this town a really nice place.

5. Will you _____ me a favor? Turn off the lights, please!

6. I don't want to ______ fun of you, but you'd better pull up your pants.

II. Comparative and Superlative adjectives.

1. The elephant is the heaviest animal in the world.


No animal in the world ___________________ an elephant.

2. Our sense of smell is not as good as that of most animals.


Most animals _____________________ sense of smell than us.

3. In many countries people choose a dog as a pet.


Dogs _______________________________ in many countries.

4. As people get older their eyesight becomes weaker.


The ____________________________ your eyesight becomes.

III. Vocabulary. Complete with the right words or expressions.

1. New York's rich cultural life is so ____________ for young people.

2. A problem with busy people is that they are always ____ __ ______.

3. Santiago would be so much different without this level of _________.

4. When the sales season begin you can see ______ __ ______ buying.

5. I am quite happy when I do things at my own ________.

6. My daughter has to do a __________ for her Technology class.

7. My favourite subject is definitely __________. I love numbers.

IV. -ing forms and infinitives.

1. Dorian Gray detests ______________ older. (get)

2. When I'm older I hope ____________ in New York.(live)

3. My parents suggested _____________ to another house. (move)

4. As the pub was crowded, we decided __________ to a café.(go)

5. I always enjoyed ______________ to the mall near my house.(go)

6. My Grandpa has promised ________me a bike for my birthday.(buy)

7. Frankestein imagines ______________ in a different world. (live)

Answers: I. /make/make/making/do/do/make

II. /is heavier than/ have a better/are popular as pets/

/older you get the worse/

III. /stimulating/in a rush/pollution/crowds of people/pace/


IV. /getting/to live/moving/to go/going/to buy/living/

OK, folks! Get a good score in your test and don't forget that you have to

read carefully the instructions and texts and write with good

spelling, grammar, punctuation and ......bright ideas!!

Sam's last minute delivery service for TMS 9th graders.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Additional Exercises for TMS 10th graders English End of Term Test

I. Supply who-which-that-whose only where necessary.

The only games ________ I play are football and tennis.
He is the only student ________ understands English well.
He is a writer ________ books are seldom read.
This is the hotel at ________ we are staying.
Is this the money________ you lost?
That is the horse ________ won the race.
He is the sort of person ________ everyone admires.

II. State whether the following words are Countable or Uncountable Nouns.

1. Peace _____________________ 2. murder _____________________
3. accomplice _________________ 4. anger _____________________
4. bribe ______________________ 6. luggage ____________________
confidence _________________ 8. burglary ____________________
judge _____________________ 11. verdict ____________________
12. fraud _____________________ 13. jury ______________________
14. robbery ___________________ 15. cargo _____________________

III. Name the following crimes and criminals.

1. Someone who breaks into houses is a ____________________________________
2. The one who uses violence to take control of a plane is a _____________________
3. Someone who attacks people and robs them in a public place is a _______________
4. Amount of money paid to free someone ___________________________________
5. getting money from someone by threatening to tell secrets ____________________
6. taking someone illegally or by force is ____________________________________
7. The crime of stealing things from a shop is called ___________________________
8. To pay money to someone to persuade him to help you _______________________

Answers: I. /nothing/ who/ whose / which /that / which / nothing/
II. /U / C / C / U / C / U / U / C / C / C / U-C / U-C / C / C /
III. / burglar / hijacker / mugger / ransom / blackmailing / kidnapping /
/ shoplifting / bribe /

Good Luck, folks! Don’t forget to read instructions carefully and spell correctly!

Sam the Ham (Better late than never Service)



I. Do the following exercises and check your answers at the end.

a) Complete with /‘ll / will / won’t./
1. Do you think it _______________ (rain) tomorrow?
2. I’m really tired so I think I ______________ (go) to bed early tonight.
3. I’m sure Andy ______________ (not come) to the party, he’s ill.
4. When I leave school, I think I _______________ (try) to get a job in the U.S.

b) Complete with the correct forms of the verbs.
1. If Tom __________ (invite) me, ___________ (go) to the party.
2. I __________(phone) Mike if he __________ (not arrive) before 10 o’clock.
3. If I __________ (work) hard, my parents ___________ (give) me some extra $$$.
4. My parents __________ (not know) if you __________ (not tell) them.

c) Complete with the simple present passive.
1. Millions of pizzas ____________ (eat) in the world every year.
2. How many e-mails ____________ (write) every day?
3. Coca-Cola ____________ (sell) all over the world.
4. Ferrari cars ____________ (make) in Italy.

d) Complete with the correct form of be allowed to or let someone do.
1. Look at the sign, Dad! We __________________ turn right here.
2. My parents don’t _______________ listen to music after midnight.
3. My dad smokes but he __________________ smoke at home.
4. Sorry, you ___________________ take photos in this museum.

e) Complete these sentences with will or be going to.
1. Give me those heavy books, I _______________ carry them for you.
2. Tom’s really excited because he _____________ (go) on holiday tomorrow.
3. It’s too hot in here! I _______________________(open) the window.
4. My sister is really nervous because she _____________ (take) an exam tomorrow

f) Complete these sentences with the correct forms.
1. I’ve ______________ this mail for half an hour and I’m still in the introduction.
2. My teacher has ___________ 2 letters since breakfast. He loves doing that.
3. Why don’t we stop? We’ve ______________________ this game for too long.
4. I’ve ______________ this article 3 times already, but I still don’t understand it.

Answers: a) will rain / ‘ll go / won’t come / ‘ll try /
b) invites-I’ll go / ‘ll phone-doesn’t arrive / work-will give/ won’t know-don’t tell
c) are eaten/ are written / is sold/ are made
d) aren’t allowed to / let me / isn’t allowed to / aren’t allowed to.
e) will / is going / will / is going to /
f) been writing / written / been playing / read / (Maybe I'll send another later! Bye folks!)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

TMS 9th graders reading Act One of "An Inspector Calls".

New Vocabulary: engagement-guffaw-squiffy-on strike-fiddlesticks-at stake-scaremongers-

hint-potty-token-awkward-on duty-warrant-muddle-wretched-rate-


Setting (year) (place) (mood) Characters : Sheila-Eric-Mr Birling-His wife-Edna-Inspector

Goole-Edna-Gerald-Eva Smith

Plot : Where are they? What are they doing? What's their social status? What's the general

situation in the world according to Mr Birling? What allusions are made? Why does

the Inspector come to the Birlings? What has happened? What's the connection

between Mr Birling and Eva Smith? What's the connection between Sheila and

Daisy Renton?

Good luck in Quiz One folks!

Monday, June 16, 2008

TMS 9th graders' latest news!

OK,folks! Here we go with the latest news for this semester. I think I told you about this week's news. It was weather,right? If I'm not mistaken, there are 3 weeks left for the end of this term, including this week. So, for the next two weeks make sure you write news about a)natural disasters and b) humour. Good luck to you all and write interesting comments, please!!!!!

Sam the Ham