Sammy´s Corner

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Kite Rider Flash!

Vocabulary. (Port) sail-shore-ripples-gangplank-anchor-prow

(flying) soar-stall-glide-aloft-level off-plunge


(birds)swallow-doves-linnets-orioles-hawk-swan (Total:24 words)

Content. Haoyou's attitude towards Mongols/"Tongue of Fire's job"/Haoyou's fantasy/

Mipeng's final situation/Khutulun's rescue/Haoyou's final situation/The Khan/

Analysis. Complete Setting. Characterization of Haoyou,Quing'an,Di Chou, Great Uncle Bo.

Any foreshadowing? Theme?

Good Luck TMS Riders!!!!!

Sam the Ham

Saturday, May 10, 2008

12th 911 Special Edition.

Target Audience: the kind of people that an article, poem, book,interview,ad, film,photograph or advertisement is supposed to attract.

Register: the words and grammar used by speakers and writers in aparticular situation or in a particular type of writing.The focus is on the way language is used in particular situations, such as legalese(legal jargon)or motherese(mothers language),the language of a biology research lab,teenagers slang,of a news report or of the bedroom. Halliday(1964)identifies three variables that determine register:field(the subject matter of the discourse),tenor(the participants and their relationship) and mode(the channel of communication,e.g. spoken or written). In sum, registers can be defined more narrowly as specialist language use related to a particular activity, such as academic jargon.

Style: the particular way someone uses words to express ideas,tell stories,etc. For example, "those stories are typical of Twain's robust prose style". A style guide is a set of standards for design and writing of documents,either for general use or for a specific publication or organization. Many style guides are revised periodically to accommodate changes in conventions and usage. For example, the stylebook of the Associated Press is updated annually.
Finally, let's say that styles can be characterised as varieties of language viewed from the point of view of formality(trudgill,1992).

Language or Literary Devices: the frequent use of figures of speech in written or spoken language. Metaphors,proverbs, similes, irony,paradox, rhyme,etc fall into this category.