Sammy´s Corner

Monday, May 22, 2006

Some riddles for TMS students and people who like to play on words.

Why was 6 afraid of 7? - Because 7-8-9!

Why are A-E-O the oldest vowels in the alphabet? - Because they existed before U and I were

Why does the dog move its tail? - Because the tail can´t move the dog!

Why is that baseball player like a thief? - Because he steals all the bases!

Why do golfers wear two pairs of pants? - In case they have a-hole-in-one!

Why couldn´t the animals on Noah´s ark play cards? - Because Noah stood on the deck!

Why were the Egyptians good sons? _Because they adored their mummies!

Why was the school for cyclops closed? - Because it had only one pupil!

Why is the capital of Ireland the most expensive in the world? - Because it has been Dublin
for years!

Why do elephants keep charging? - Because they have a platinum credit card!


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