Sammy´s Corner

Friday, May 19, 2006

I would like to give everyone a warm welcome to this blog that I have named after a bulletin board I started in the 70´s when I was studying to get my degree as a teacher of English at Universidad de Chile in Santiago and that I have been able to publish in the two high schools where I have taught,i.e. Saint George´s College and The Mayflower School.

From the very beginning the idea was quite simple: to publish a bulletin board in English so students, teachers, parents and passers-by could practice their reading comprehension in English, get some information, and entertain themselves with pictures, jokes and cartoons.

At present Sammy´s Corner is published monthly at the Mayflower School , second floor next to the English Department, and its main sections include: Editorial, New Trends, News in Brief, Show Biz, Sports and Humor.

In this blog I will try as much as possible to replicate every new edition of the bulletin board so more people can see it and contribute with their comments, and at the same time I will open sections for discussing teaching ideas and classroom practices; recommending books, films, music, newspaper & magazine articles, TV shows and websites; publishing school surveys about new trends and current issues in Chile and elsewhere; updating my students with test dates, contents and study guides,etc.

I hope you enjoy this blog as much as I enjoy taking some time from my busy agenda (as teacher, parent and citizen of this world) to put all this together to express myself and have some fun through English.

Cordially yours,



Blogger El Capo de las Brujas said...

Congratulations, Sam! Looks like you finally made it. It was a pity that the previous blog that you tried through MSN didn´t last long enough to develop your ideas. Let´s hope this one can get to many people and start a rich exchange with bloggers and readers from the world wide web.

9:07 AM  

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